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  • Ask and answer questions
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Your Information is Safe with Us. The only “private” information of yours we’ll have is your email address. We promise never to resell your information, spam you, or basically do anything we would not want for ourselves.

Help Us Out: Signing Up Helps Us Attract Sponsors

We hope to attract the attention of equipment makers and instructors to donate prizes to award to key content contributors as well as to raffle off to new signups. The more registered users we have, the better our chances of getting “sponsors” so we can offer more prizes.

Goals of TalkSurf.com

  1. Provide you with great information about surfing, standup paddling, kitesurfing, and windsurfing. Tips, opinions, travel, events, and news are great topics.
  2. Provide a place for the pros, aficionados, and newbies, of the water sports world to engage in meaningful conversations about these sports and related aspects, such as fitness.

We’re never going to charge to participate in the forum, nor do we have any intentions of cluttering the pages with gaudy advertisements.

Why are Justin and Steve starting TalkSurf.com if they don’t plan to get rich from it?

  • It’s a way to give back to the water sports community and increase everybody enjoyment and safety. We’ve found the more we give away to our communities, the more we get back in return.
  • Eventually, Justin and Steve intend to build other technology products, and if you like TalkSurf.com, you might check out their other products. Or you might recommend Justin or Steve for another startup venture.
  • It’s super FUN for Justin and Steve!
  • Here’s more about Justin and Steve, and TalkSurf.com: